Accountant Services in Estonia

Accountant Services

Accountant services in Estonia

Comprehensive accounting support for your business

    express audit of existing accounting

    We will call you back within 10 minutes

    Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties

    Quality accountant services in Estonia from the specialists of Finance PRO.

    We carry out

    Accounting and maintenance

    We will process and organize information about the movements of funds of your company in accordance with the laws of the EU and Estonia. We create tax registers (management and accounting) at the request of the client. We will timely prepare the necessary reports for submission to the tax department and other institutions.

    Draw up and hand over zero reporting

    This is one of the types of reporting, which is for the period when the company does not conduct any commercial activity. We will not only prepare zero reports, but also conduct an express assessment of the results of your business in order to make sure that the above document is valid in a particular case.

    Restore accounting

    If accounting is not properly maintained or is interrupted, it needs to be reinstated. This is a whole range of measures based on primary documents (both newly created and existing ones), as well as bringing the accounting to a normal state.

    We organize accounting

    We will choose exactly the model of the organization of the process that is appropriate for your company in accordance with the law, as well as on the basis of the needs and structure of the company.

    We will consult

    Our experts will tell you how to solve a number of important tasks, including the organization of the taxation process in order to optimize and reduce tax payments. We can also learn from us how to resolve possible disputes with regulatory authorities, how to keep accounts and comply with the requirements of the law.

    Draw up tax returns

    We will provide audit services

    We will help to establish the reliability of the statements, as well as the compliance of the operations performed by economic entities with the current regulatory acts. We establish the accuracy of client reports, as well as the correctness of their compilation and the reality of the data that was indicated.

    The salary of a good accountant starts from 1000 euros a month. The cost of our accounting services starts from 100 euros a month.

    Professional team

    We employ only highly qualified accountants with many years of experience.

    Payment for volume

    We offer you to pay not for the employee’s place, but for the actual amount of work completed.

    Full responsibility

    Full liability for the actions of employees

    Pleasant bonuses

    Free tax optimization

    Loyalty program

    Free advice to regular customers

    Exceptional service

    We are in touch and ready to help 24/7 per week.

    Free express audit of accounting
    Let's analyze the reporting for the last quarter, we will reveal tax risks and we will prepare recommendations about their elimination


      Who we work for:

      We work for companies of all branches of business.

      The services
      Consultations, lawyers, advertising, shipping, training, tourism
      IT Industry
      Web-studios, mobile application developers, cloud services
      Wholesale and retail trade, foreign economic activity
      Construction, installation and repair works, architects
      Light, heavy, medical, food industry, agricultural sector

      Cost of accounting

      Calculate the cost of accounting services


      If you want to entrust your business to professionals, contact Finance PRO for help. We employ experienced and highly qualified accountants who will quickly cope with even complex tasks. We also provide legal assistance to companies, we are engaged in the registration of enterprises in Estonia. We guarantee accuracy, timeliness and good faith.



      Still have questions?
      Call the telephone number 372-5366-6674 or use the application form