Annual report quickly, correctly, without unnecessary wastes of time - Finance PRO

Annual Report

Professionals from Finance Professional OÜ will quickly, correctly, without unnecessary wastes of time, effort and without a single mistake help to compose annual report for you company and to timely deliver it.

Indicators of Estonian enterprises’ annual reports, including the Financial Statement and Income Statement, as well as its correct appearance often are crucial not only in establishing favorable relations with the regulatory authorities.

Just keep successfully doing your business and entrust the drawing up of all documents for the annual report to the qualified and experienced staff of our company.

Cooperating with Finance Professional OÜ you will get:

    • Answers to all your question regarding the accounting and tax optimization. For regular customers accounting advice is provided for free!
    • Constantly maintained perfect order in your accounting.
    • Friendly relations with the tax and customs board.
    • Timely delivered and literate annual report.
    • As a result — favorable attitude to you and your business of the credit and financial institutions representatives, suppliers and other important partners.

The procedure for the formation of annual report

What you do

You should provide us all the existing documents from the following list:

      • Incoming and outgoing invoices.
      • Bank statements for the reporting period.
      • Cash credit and debit orders.
      • Access to the tax and customs board and the commercial register. If necessary, we will help you to do this.

What we do

      • Analyze all existing documents.
      • Inform you if some documents are missing, give recommendations for their recovery. By agreement, we can do it ourselves.
      • Cross-check all the customers on the balance of all the accounts.
      • Analyze and monitor all accounts in accounting department.
      • Form all tax returns and submit them or cross-check with the tax department.
      • Create a document archive.
      • Meet with you on the results of the work done.
      • Submit annual report to the commercial register.

Don’t hesitate to call us at: +372 5366 6674 (rus), +372 5560 2611 (eng, est) or order the call from our specialist by pressing the button “Contact us”. We also invite you to our office in Valukoja 8, X floor, Tallinn.

Competence of Finance Professional OÜ specialists is the basis of our long-term good reputation in the Estonian market of accounting services!