Internal audit of financial statements - Finance PRO

Internal audit of financial statements

The specialists of the accounting company Finance Professional OÜ will make internal audit of your enterprise professionally and quickly.

Internal audit helps to get the best idea of a real situation in your company, to warn a number of risks and to make the optimal plan of business further development. The results of internal audit don’t depend on price or administrative policy of the enterprise in any way — it is a completely objective and impartial analysis which reveals weak points of the financial account and its imperfections most effectively, and by that helps to optimize financial activity of the company in general.

What is done by you:

  • you provide an access to all necessary documents: primary documentation, registers of accounting, accounting and tax reports to experts of Finance Professional OÜ.
  • you provide other necessary documents, according to audit objectives: personnel, constituent and economic contracts.

What is done by us:

  • we will carry out a total or random inspection of primary documents;
  • we will check accuracy of registers of accounting and tax accounting registration, salary charges and taxes;
  • we will check existence, correctness of registration, and also advantages of personnel documents, accounting policies of the company, economic contracts, accuracy of their reflection in the account;
  • we will carry out an inspection of registration’s of tax and accounting reports accuracy;
  • if necessary we will give you recommendations on improvement of conducting accounting and tax accounting, increase of efficiency of financial activity of your company, and also, if possible, ways of tax payments minimization.

Just call on +372 5366 6674 (rus), +372 5560 2611 (eng, est) or press the Contact Us button. Soon the expert of Finance Professional OÜ will contact you to discuss the beginning of an internal audit inspection and special subtleties of your inquiry.

Trust responsible and laborious procedure of carrying out internal audit of the company to the team where the most skilled and highly qualified specialists accountants in Estonia work.